
November 2018 payment 

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We are pleased to announce a NORMA payment took place on Tuesday, December 4th.

This November payment includes part of remuneration for work in audiovisual productions for the usage years 2015, 2016 and 2017.

If you were eligible for remuneration, you will find the corresponding invoice in MyNORMA’s menu option Financial as of today and you should receive a payment in the coming days.

Increased payment threshold

We have modified the payment threshold from 1 euro to 25 euro net (after the deduction of the administration fee, the social cultural fee and turnover tax) within the SEPA area. The threshold amount outside the SEPA area, 50 euro net, remains unchanged. This decision was made in order to cut down on administration charges when making multiple payments per year. This means that you will receive a payment when the amount of remuneration that is reserved for you exceeds 25 euro. If the reserved amount is lower, it will remain in your account until the sum exceeds 25 euro, after which a payment will be made upon the next payment round.

Closing payment 2015

This year’s final payment round is scheduled for the end of December. This payment concerns the final payment for the 2015 usage year, the year in which the work was used or broadcast.