We’re happy to announce that our newly revised MyNORMA portal is live and ready for you to submit claims to. Please take a moment in going through our remarks below, paying particular attention to the password reset requirement upon first-time login.
1. Upon first-time login, activate your account through Forgot Password
In the previous MyNORMA portal, your NORMA number used to be your login name. This has now changed. In the new portal, your unique email-address is now your login name.
Upon your first-time login, follow the Forgot Password prompt to get started:
– Go to MyNORMA, then press Forgot Password on the bottom right of the login screen.
– Enter your unique email address as registered with NORMA.
– Enter the last three digits of your bank account number as registered with NORMA.
– Enter your NORMA number (or the NORMA number of the person you’re entitled to represent as heir).
– Press Submit. If all entered information matches our records, you should be receiving an email with password reset instructions within several minutes.
Note: your password reset link will only be active for a short period of time. If you’ve not received the email within several minutes, it might be located in your spam (or filtered items) folder. You cannot not use the same email address for multiple accounts: if this is currently the case, please contact us.
Upon a successful password reset, you may log in using your custom password. If you encounter any errors (or can’t remember all your registered details), please contact our service desk.
2. Claim for 2015, 2016, 2017 and a part of 2018
You may now submit your claims for the distribution years of 2015, 2016, 2017 and some of 2018. As we regularly implement new data, you’ll soon be able to claim for more recent productions too.
3. Check your repertoire
Upon your first log-in, may we recommend you verify the repertoire as registered with us. When you log on for the first time your repertoire is shown in the Processed claims tab, found within the Claims menu option. Your repertoire is listed under Claims, then Processed Claims.
Note: the Processed claims tab will not show all claims submitted before 2015.
Productions with a fixed cast, such as films, documentaries, live concert recordings and TV series (excluding daily TV series and animations) should be listed. Daily TV series, animations and various other productions made up of revolving cast members must be claimed for each year. In the process of transitioning to the new distribution system, the repertoire was also cleaned up. If your claim no longer matches our new criteria, it may have been removed. If you believe your claim has been removed for no valid reason, please resubmit those claims through MyNORMA and ensure to include all required details. If in any doubt, contact our service desk, our team will gladly assist you.
4. If you’ve previously claimed for productions in 2015, 2016 and/or 2017
Have you previously claimed for any 2016 and/or 2017 productions through a (digital) playlist?
We then recommend you re-submit these claims through MyNORMA. Unfortunately it is not possible to process claims from the 2016 and 2017 (digital) playlist forms in our new distribution system. We’ll only pay out remunerations over claims submitted through MyNORMA as of now. If you have submitted a playlist form with claims for 2015 (via email), our team will have notified you on the processing status.
If you’ve previously submitted claims for 2016 and/or 2017, we advise you to resubmit these. The commissioning of our new distribution system unfortunately makes it impossible to process claims from the 2016 and 2017 playlist forms. We only pay out remunerations for claims submitted through the MyNORMA portal. If you’ve submitted a playlist form with claims for 2015 (via email), our team will have notified you on the processing status. If in any doubt, please contact our service desk.
5. Advantages of MyNORMA
There’s no more need to fill out complex playlist forms. All claims and other NORMA matters are now processed in one and the same user-friendly environment through MyNORMA. The portal also allows us to correspond directly with our rightholders and, for example, provide feedback on the claims submitted. Your claims are processed digitally, meaning less processing time and faster payout.
6. MyNORMA’s features
MyNORMA has been designed primarily for processing claims. This allows us to pay out for productions you have participated in. A newly added feature is that we can now correspond directly with our rightholders and provide feedback on their submitted claims. MyNORMA is available in both Dutch and English: the language button, located on top the page, easily lets you toggle between both languages. The portal has been designed to work on desktop computers, mobile phones and tablet. If you’d like to change any of your personal details, please contact our service desk until the feature has been added. Invoices and annual statements will also be added at a later stage.
7. Question? Refer to our FAQ
The new MyNORMA also features an extensive FAQ with answers to the most frequently asked questions. This includes questions ranging from ‘How to file a claim for the TV series I’ve participated in’ to ‘How to determine the weight of my role’ and ‘Eligible channels to put in a claim for’. Prior to reaching out to us, simply have a browse through the FAQ. In case you can’t find the right question (or answer), do let us know, so we can improve and extend this feature for fellow users and future reference.
8. Does my intermediary have access to MyNORMA?
Are you being represented by an intermediary (e.g. agent or management)? They now also have access to MyNORMA and have been notified accordingly.
9. Claim deadline 2015: 15th of November 2018
The end of this year also marks the end of the 2015 distribution year. Any claims for the distribution year of 2015 must be submitted by the 15th of November 2018. Approved claims will be paid out in our 2015 payment round, this will be the final 2015 payment.